How Can I Refresh My Look?

Dermal Fillers and Injectables in Huntsville, ALAging brings wisdom, experience and knowledge – unfortunately, it also brings loose skin, wrinkles and lines. If you have begun to notice these undesirable effects of aging, you might be looking for a way to refresh and rejuvenate your appearance. Fortunately, there are a handful of facial rejuvenation procedures that can be used to address the most common signs of aging. Below, we’ll explore some of the treatment solutions for your concerns.

Wrinkles and Lines

For wrinkles and lines, there are two effective treatment methods. One method is by tightening the skin, which will help give the skin a more youthful and lifted appearance. This can be done using a variety of techniques, most of which involve stimulating the body’s production collagen. Treatments like microneedling can trigger collagen production in the body, helping to gradually rejuvenate the skin over time. The other method is by adding more volume to the skin, which can smooth out lines and wrinkles. For this approach, we recommend dermal fillers and injectables, which also offer the benefit of quick treatment sessions and little to no downtime.

Hyperpigmentation and Age Spots

For hyperpigmentation, age spots and other discoloration concerns, you’ll need some form of skin resurfacing treatment. These treatments use exfoliating techniques to eliminate damaged and discolored skin. After treatment, the body will produce new, healthy skin in the place of the exfoliated skin cells. With repeated treatment sessions, patients can gradually reduce the appearance of age spots and other hyperpigmentation concerns.

Skin Tone and Texture

For general improvements in skin tone and texture, you’ll want to consider skin resurfacing treatments like laser skin resurfacing and chemical peels. These treatments exfoliate the outermost, damaged layers of skin, which are often the layers responsible for uneven skin tone or texture. After these layers are removed, the body will produce smoother, more youthful skin in its place. Regular treatment sessions can help you improve and maintain your skin for optimal long-term skin health.

Get Started Today!

If you’re interested in refreshing your appearance, the best step to take is scheduling a consultation at Nease Cosmetic Surgery. We can help you determine the best treatments to help you achieve your cosmetic goals. Contact us today to get started!